Ethereum: How to find the sender address from the transaction hash? [duplicate]

Finding the Sender Address from a Transaction Hash

When using the API or any other third-party service to receive payments on the Ethereum network, you cannot directly access the sender address from the transaction hash. Here’s why:

  • Transaction hashes are one-way hashes: they are created using complex mathematical algorithms that make them immutable and difficult to change.
  • Sender information is not stored in transaction hashes: The API provides various data points about the transaction, such as the sender address, the recipient address, etc. However, they are typically used for authentication or to display specific information during the payment processing stage.

To find the sender address from a transaction hash, you need to perform additional steps:

Method 1: Using the transaction hash to extract the sender address (optional)

Unfortunately, it is not possible to directly extract the sender address from the transaction hash without additional information. The hash is intended to identify the transaction and the data associated with it, but it does not contain any personal information about the sender.

Method 2: Using the API (with additional steps)

Ethereum: How can I find the sender's address from the transaction hash? [duplicate]

To receive payments and store your sender address via the API, follow these steps:

  • Create an account with Sign up for a free account to access the API.
  • Verify your account: Complete the verification process to receive an API key and secret.
  • Use the Ethereum API: Make a GET request to ” where “/0x…” is your Ethereum address.

The response will contain information about your balance, including the sender address associated with your account. You can then use this information to update your payment record in


"address": "0x...",

"balance": "...",

"sender": {

"address": "...", // sender's Ethereum address

"name": "", // optional (last and first name)

"publicKey": "" // optional (Ethereum public key)



  • Save sender address: Update the payment record in to include the sender address.

Note: The “Address” field in the response will contain a truncated Ethereum address, which can be used as is or linked to other addresses using hexadecimal notation (e.g. “0x…”).

By following these steps, you will be able to retrieve and save the sender address associated with your Ethereum account using the API.

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