Ethereum: How do I convert public key value x to y in Python and verify it?

Here is an article on how to convert and verify an Ethereum public key x to a value y in Python:

Converting an Ethereum public key x to a value y: A step-by-step guide

Ethereum is a decentralized, open-source blockchain platform that uses public-key cryptography to secure transactions. When sending or receiving Ether (ETH) on the Ethereum network, you need to convert your Ethereum public key from its hexadecimal form to its corresponding y value. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to achieve this conversion in Python.

Step 1: Understand the Ethereum public key format

Ethereum public keys are represented as a string of 64 hexadecimal digits, each character separated by a colon (:) and preceded by the letter “0”. The format is typically:


Where “…y” represents the y value.

Step 2: Install the hmac library

To convert your Ethereum public key to its y value, you will need to use Python’s hmac library. This library provides a simple way to perform hashing operations on hexadecimal strings. To install it, run the following command:

pip install hmac

Step 3: Convert the public key to hexadecimal

First, we need to convert your Ethereum public key from its hexadecimal format to a string of hexadecimal digits:

import hmac

public_key = "020F031CA83F3FB372BD6C2430119E0B947CF059D19CDEA98F4CEFFEF620C584F9"

hex_public_key = public_key.encode("utf-8").hex()

Step 4: Generate a hash object

Ethereum: How do I convert Public Key x value to y in Python and verify?

Next, we create a hash object using the hmac library:

hash_object =, digestmod="sha256")

Note that you can use any hashing algorithm (e.g. “md5”, “sha1”, etc.) instead of “sha256”. However, for this example, we will stick with “sha256”.

Step 5: Get the y value

Now, let’s get the y value from the hash object:

y_value = hash_object.hexdigest()

Putting it all together

Here is the complete code snippet to convert an Ethereum public key x value to its corresponding y value in Python:

import hmac

def convert_ethereum_public_key_to_y(hex_public_key):

hex_public_key = hex_public_key.encode("utf-8").hex()

hash_object =, digestmod="sha256")

y_value = hash_object.hexdigest()

return y_value

public_key = "020F031CA83F3FB372BD6C2430119E0B947CF059D19CDEA98F4CEFFEF620C584F9"

y_value = convert_ethereum_public_key_to_y(public_key)


Output: The y value of your Ethereum public key


That’s it! With these steps, you should now be able to convert an Ethereum public key x value to its corresponding y value in Python.

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