Ethereum: How to access API data for top traders on Binance (copy trades)?

Ethereum: How to Access API Data for Lead Traders on Binance (Copy Trading)

As a trader working with the Binance copy trading platform, you are likely interested in analyzing and predicting trades from leading traders. However, one of the major challenges is accessing the necessary data through Binance’s public APIs.

In this article, we will explore how to use the Ethereum blockchain API to access lead trader data on Binance (Copy Trading).

Why Binance’s Public APIs Aren’t Enough

Binance’s public APIs are great for collecting general market and trading data, but they don’t provide detailed information about individual traders’ performance or their potential leads. To gain a deeper understanding of the market and make informed predictions, you need to access the underlying data used by Binance to identify profitable trades.

The Ethereum Blockchain API

The Ethereum blockchain is a decentralized, open-source platform that provides a secure and transparent way to store and share data. One of its most powerful APIs is the ethers.js library, which allows developers to interact with the Ethereum network using JavaScript.

To access lead trader data on Binance (Copy Trading), you will need to use the Ethereum blockchain API. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Install the ethers.js Library

First, install the ethers.js library by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install ethers

  • Set Up Your Binance API Credentials

Before accessing the API, you will need to set up your Binance API credentials. You can do this by creating an account on Binance and generating a new API key.


"apiKey": "YOUR_API_KEY"

"apiSecretId": "YOUR_API_SECRET_ID"

} }

  • Create a Contract

    Ethereum: How to access API data for lead traders on Binance (Copy Trading)?

To access the lead trader data, you will need to create a contract that interacts with the Ethereum blockchain API. You can use the ethers.js library to create a new contract.

const Web3 = require('web3');

const ethers = require ( ' ethers ' ) ;

// Set up your Binance API credentials

const apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";

const apiSecretId = "YOUR_API_SECRET_ID";

// Create a new web3 instance

const web3 = new Web3(new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider()



// Define your contract ABI (Application Binary Interface)

const or = {

// ... contract functions and variables


// Create a new contract

async function createContract() { .

const contractAbout = await web3.eth.about.parse(about);

const contractInstance = new ethers.Contract(



web3 . toBuffer ( apiKey ) .


// Get the lead trader data from Binance's API

const leads = await contractInstance.leadTraders();

return leads ;

} }

  • Call the leadTraders() Function

Once you have created the contract, you can call the leadTraders() function to access the lead trader data.

const leads = await createContract();

console . log ( leads ) ;

Example Use Case

Here’s an example use case that demonstrates how to access the lead trader data using the ethers.js library:


async function main() { .

// Set up your Binance API credentials

const apiKey = “YOUR_API_KEY”;

const apiSecretId = “YOUR_API_SECRET_ID”;

// Create a new web3 instance

const web3 = new Web3(new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider()


// Define your contract ABI (Application Binary Interface)

const or = {

// … contract functions and variables


// Create a new contract

async function createContract() { .

const contractAbout = await web3.eth.about.parse(about);

const contractInstance = new ethers.Contract(




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