Ethereum: Binance websocket stream over a proxy problem

Ethereum: Binance WebSocket traffic through proxy issue

As an Ethereum developer, you’re probably no stranger to the importance of reliable and high-performance data feeds. However, when it comes to getting data from popular cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance, things can get complicated quickly.

One common issue that users encounter is incorrect error messages, specifically “websocket._exceptions.” In this article, we’ll explore why you’re seeing this error and provide some possible solutions to the problem.

What’s happening behind the scenes

When you use a proxy to get data from Binance, you may encounter issues with WebSocket connections. Here’s what happens:

  • Proxy issues: Most proxies are designed to handle HTTP traffic, but when used for WebSocket connections, they often cause additional overhead and latency.
  • Connection timeout: When the proxy server times out or an error occurs, it may prevent the WebSocket connection from establishing a stable connection with the Binance servers.
  • Invalid traffic data

    : Even if the proxy connection is successful, the Binance servers may return invalid traffic data, causing a websocket._exceptions error.

Issue with websocket._exceptions

The “_exceptions” part of the error message refers to the fact that WebSocket connections use a separate protocol (JSON-RPC) over WebSockets. This allows for more sophisticated and asynchronous data exchange between clients and servers. However, some of this sophistication is lost when using proxies, resulting in errors such as websocket._exceptions.


To resolve the issue, you can try the following steps:

  • Use a better performing proxy: Choose a private proxy optimized for WebSocket connections, such as Cloudflare Proxy or FastProxy.
  • Configure the proxy correctly: Make sure the proxy is configured to use HTTP/1.1 and not HTTP/0.9, as this can cause issues with WebSocket connections.
  • Disable proxies in Binance settings: Go to the Binance API dashboard and disable all proxies in their settings.
  • Use a custom proxy: Create a custom proxy that uses WebSockets and is optimized for your specific use case.

Additional Tips

  • Make sure you are using the latest version of the @websockets/wss package to ensure compatibility with Binance WebSocket traffic.
  • If you are experiencing issues with multiple proxies, try disabling all but one of them to resolve the issue.
  • Consider upgrading to a newer Ethereum blockchain (e.g. Ethereum 2.0), which may be better suited for high-performance data feeds.

Following these steps and troubleshooting tips should resolve the websocket._exceptions issue when receiving Binance WebSocket traffic using a proxy.

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