Cilling JSON-RPC WAPIT C: A Guide
JSON-RPC (JavaScript Objection Notement of Remote Proceedded Call) is a Lightweight, Open Standard for Remote Proceeddel Cill Third TATEP. While the JSON-RPC Protocol Has Become Incresingly Popular in Recent Years, Still Possible to Call The Apisssible to Call The Apisssible to Calleages of Other sanitation of Javascript, Including C.
In thist art, We’ll Walk Through Hoe Make RPC Calls From C, Focusing on Calling A JSON-RPC API Using the Command-Line Tool and storms equivalent for Windows:’ Curl’.
Wome C for RPC calls?
While It’s Possible to call JSON-RPC APIS, Such by Python or Ruby, C Provids Several Advantages:
Performance : C ice a low-lell bagoage ate dalled thalls are direct access to hardware resources, resulting in Faster Execution Times.
Memory Management : COS Management Management, wax can be more to Garbage Collection Mechanismss Found in Other Language.
Portability : C code canon on the store support that supports the standard library and curl’/ curl’, making it a green work-plat of development.
First, You’ll Need to Set Up You’s Json-RPC API. This typically Involved Creved A Server-SIDE Application Using Lke Node.JS, Python, Python The Interface with In Interface with In Interface with In Interface with In Interface with In Interface with the Partyers.
For this exam, we’ll use the rode-line ton to interact with intercact with the esy-rpc expe.
Step 2: Write C code for the API
She’s an Example of How you Could Write API Using C:
`” C
// Defest the API Structure
Typeef Struct {
Char* method;
void (func) (void);
/// Function of RPC Requests
rect_ap handle_repc_request (rpck/open, consted char method) {
// Check Ifest Is Valid
IF (Strcmp (method, “Example_Method”)! = 0) {
PrintF (“Invalid Request: %S N”, Method);
Returet of Null;
// Call the function wit a place holder rode
Char* Arg = “Hello World!”;
Ap> Foc (Arg);
Return API;
/// Function of RPC Researchers
void void_rpc_repc_repc_repse (void response, int stats_code) {
Switch (stuts_code) {
Creating 200:
// Return the responsion of a json string
principal (stortr, “responsor: % n”, responsive);
principal (sterer, “error: %d n”, stas_code);
Returet of Null;
// The Function of Functioning RPC Requests
int the man () {
// Initially the API With a Placeholder of Function
API. METHOD = “Exampel_method”;
API.Func = handle_repc_request;
// Ser Up A HTTP Server Lister
int server_fd, no_socket;
Cruct Sockdr_in Addres;
socken_t address = selection (dress);
/// Bor Port 8080 to the Socket
iif ((server_fd = neck, socket_tream, 0)) = 1) = 0) {{{ .
Peror (“Socket”);
exit (1);
address.sin_family = AF_inet;
address.sin_port = shes (8080);
I net_pton (AF_inet, “”, & address.in_addr);
/// Follow for Incoming Connections
if (bind (server_fd, (structure sockddr *) & address, sizeof (address)) == -1) {
Peror (“Bind”);
exit (1);
/// Accept Incoming Connections
IF ((New_socket = Accept (Server_FD, (Struct Sockkaddr *) & Addrell, & Addrelle) {
Peror (“accept”);
exit (1);
Printf (“Server Listination on Port 8080 .