Bitcoin: Why are the results of BTC message signature implemented in Python different from those on electrum?

Implementation of Unding Bitcoin messages: Python and Electrium Comparison

Bitcoin is decentralized and professional leveeger is a complex cryptographic system that is based solely on hot coding practice. In this article, we will use differentially between how Bitcoin’s signature is implemented in Python compared to.

Background: Bitcoin Message Song

Bitcoin: Why are the results of BTC message signature implemented in Python different from those on electrum?

When sending the operation, there is a Bitcoin network, the mining confirms that it was enough to pass the broadcasts and that they are choices. To understand this, use the audience associated with private mistakes in your wallet. This process includes a massage (surgery) bag with SHA-256, a Senster private key, then encrypted it with a sensor public key.

Implementing Python: Bit

Python’s Bitcoin Cryptography Library (Bit) is the seeds and a safe handle private key and message. The “key” object image is a private key in WIF format, while the Verify_sig feature as an input and administers them to check them.


Bite import key


Create a new PrivateKey operative WIF private key

Private_Key = key.from_wif (wif_private_key)

Get Sender Society

public_address = private_key.get_public ()

Hast operation with private key

Transaction_hash = Private_Key.hash_transaction (Public_addresss, 0.0001)

Signature = Private_Key.sign (transction_hash)

Check your signature bag

Result = Verify_sig (Private_Key, Contraction_hash, Signature)

Print (result)

Implementation in Electricity: ECDS

In the integration of Electrum, the wreath implements The Ellipty Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) is a bad signing. This library provides a safer and more efficient way to transmit private keys and signatures.


Bite import key


Create a new PrivateKey operative WIF private key

Private_Key = key.from_wif (wif_private_key)

Get Sender Society

public_address = private_key.get_public ()

Hast operation with private key

Transaction_hash = Private_Key.hash_transaction (Public_addresss, 0.0001)

Signature = Private_Key.sign (transction_hash)

Check your signature bag

Result = Verify_sig (Private_Key, Contraction_hash, Signature)

Print (result)

Differences in results

After both implementations with Sami Wif with private key and identical operations, we may notice some discrepancies:

  • BIT implementation can distinguish between a different mass or experiment than the implementation of Electrum.

  • In general, the installation of Electrum can cause secret outputs associated with the ellipse curve surgery.

  • Some genes contained in the generated code and combining information about the information between Python and ECDSA installations.

In conclusion, both implementations have similar goals, the results of the Bitcoin report signature are implemented in the Differentiation Python and Native Electrium wallet. Understanding these differences is very important for development.


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