Ethereum: How OP_EQUALVERIFY works in a standard transaction?

Understanding of the Ethereum Opequals Protocol: A Guide to Op_equalverify

In the world of blockchain technology, several protocols have emerged to allow safe and efficient transactions between the parties. One of these protocols is
Ethereum , in particular its function
opequalverify (op_equalverify). In this article, we will die op_equalverify works in a standard Ethereum transaction.

What is OperiALVERIFICE?

Opequalverify is a cryptographic technique developed by Vitalik Boterin, the Ethereum Co-Founder. It is used to verify that Basically, op_equalverify guarantees

The Foundations of Public Key hash

Before A
public key hash (pkh) is a digital imprint created by the
Private key of a user. It is calculated using the following steps:




Op_equalverify: How it works

Now, we apply this understanding to opequalverify. Here is a step-by-step explanation:


  • Each transaction including two hash values: Transactionhash 'is expected. These are used as input parameters for the opequalverify process.




How op_equalverify checks the transaction?

To verify that two transactions are the same, the following conditions must be satisfied:

  • The same public hash exists in both transactions.

  • The values ​​transactionhashin both transactions correspondspond.

  • A valid signature (using a private key) is present for each transaction.

The two transactions originated from the same report and are equal according to their forese rules. The transaction will be rejected by the Ethereum validation level.

Example of Use of the Case

Suppose we want to verify that a user has sent 100 ether (eth) from an address (0x1234567890abcdef) to another address (0x8765432109876543210abcdef '). We create two transactions,tx1è tx2, with the same hash of the public key (0x8765432109876543210abcdef) for the session private key.

So let’s calculate the hash op_equalverify using the following Input:

  • tx1hash: the hash value of a block containing tx1

  • is expected: a specific hash value (e.g. 0x123456789012345678901234567890abcdef)

  • tx2hash: the hash value of a block containing tx2

If the resulting hashs correspond, we have successfully verified that it is the tx2` are the same. Otherwise, the transactions will be rejected.


The integrity and uniqueness of the transactions. By understanding how it works, you can better grass the underlying mechanics of blockchain technology. Remember to always check transactions using opequalverify before proceeding with any transactions on the Ethereum Network.

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