Ethereum: Casting different from bit manipulation

Ethereum: Raspacating the difference between manipulation and casting

When it comes to working with data in Ethereum, developers often use different techniques to manipulate and store values. Two usual approaches are a little manipulation and casting between different types of data, namely by Nadints and Bytes16. Although these methods seem similar at first glance, they give different results because of their fundamental mechanisms.

bit manipulation

In the field of manipulation essential, one surgery is applied to the value presented in bits. This procedure involves performing arithmetic operations on individual bits within byte (8-bit) or even a word (16-bit). Manipulation essential can be considered a “little-after-bit” manipulation of value.

For example, consider the integer value of n nstored in Bajt16:[0x01, 0x02]. The usual operation of manipulation would be included by switching bits to the right and then performing arithmetic operations on them. This may result in new values ​​such as:

  • N + 1(with shifted bits)

N 2(with shifted and added bits)

However, when thrown between the nin and the bytes16, the basic display changes from the bypass of the entire value presented in the hexadecimal format (0x …). This conversion procedure affects how essential manipulation is performed.

Casting Between Naints and Bytes16

Ethereum: Casting different from bit manipulation

When we cast the value of byte16 to an incomplete int (naint) by applying Touint32 () method, the basic display changes. The resulting integer value is now stored in a small-endian fairy tale (LE) within the said length of the NAint. This means that manipulations of manipulation of manipulation on the original firtern value16 are applied directly to the new value.

Contrary to this, manipulating Bitovi of byte16 by applying manipulation techniques will continue to produce different results from throwing on an unsigned int. For example:

  • N + 1(with shifted bits) is performed on the original fairy tale '[0x01, 0x02], resulting in a different whole number.

N 2 (with shifted and added bits) continues to apply directly to the new value of the term stored in a row of bytes16.

Why the difference?

The key difference lies in the data display. When throwing between the plain and the bytes16, we basically convert the byvenate of the byte into the whole value shown in the hexadecimal format. This conversion process changes the way manipulation is carried out on original data.

Operations of manipulation with an essential manipulation, such as switching or performing arithmetic operations on individual bites, continue to produce different results from these conversions because of their inherent structure. The way bits are stored and manipulated are different between the two views, which leads to different behavior when working with values ​​in these types of data.

In conclusion, throwing between the nin and the byte16 includes more than the change of national team; It is an internal change that changes the way the manipulation operations on the original data are performed. By understanding the fundamental differences, developers can use this flexibility to work effectively within their selected data type.


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