
As of 2024, Germany has introduced several updates to its work visa policies aimed at attracting skilled professionals, particularly in IT and other technical fields. Key changes include:

1. **Recognition of Foreign Qualifications**: The new “recognition partnership” allows skilled workers from non-EU countries to have their qualifications recognized upon arrival, making it easier to start working immediately. Formal recognition in Germany may no longer be required if the qualifications are recognized in the issuing country, especially for workers with two years of vocational training or a university degree.

2. **Eased Requirements for IT Specialists**: Some IT professionals with at least two years of professional experience can now work in Germany without needing formal qualifications, as long as they meet a certain salary threshold and language requirements (A2 level in German).

3. **Job Search and Settlement Options**: A new “opportunity card” for job seekers is set to be introduced in June 2024, providing a way for skilled workers to come to Germany to search for employment. Furthermore, skilled workers can now apply for an unlimited settlement after three years of residence, down from the previous four years.

These reforms are designed to simplify the immigration process and make Germany more attractive for international talent, particularly in sectors like IT, where there is a high demand for skilled workers


1. **外国资格认证放宽**:通过新的“**资格认证伙伴关系**”,非欧盟国家的高技能人员可以在抵达德国后立即开展工作。只要资格在其母国获得认可,即可在德国直接使用,无需在德国重新认证,特别适用于有两年以上职业培训或大学学历的申请者

2. **IT人员要求简化**:部分拥有至少两年工作经验的IT专业人士可以不需正式资格认证,直接进入德国就业,只需满足一定的薪资门槛和德语A2级别的语言要求 

3. **求职和定居机会**:德国将在2024年6月推出“**机会卡**”,为外国技术人才提供求职签证。此外,高技能人员现在可在德国居住三年后(之前为四年)申请无限期定居许可 


